sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012


CINDOC IS the Center of Scientific Information and Documentation, now IEDCYT: Institute for Documentary Studies on Science and Technology. The bibliographic databases ICYT, ISOC and EMI provide scientific production published in Spain. Your time coverage is from 1975 to date with a monthly update. Contains journal articles, as well as a selection of conference proceedings, series, compilations, reports and monographs.

The information available in the databases for ICYT include the areas of science and technology to ISOC, social sciences and humanities such as Social Anthropology, Archaeology, Art, Library and Information Science, Law, Economics, Education, Philosophy, Geography, Urbanism and Architecture, History, Language and Literature, Psychology and Sociology and Political Science, for the IME Biomedicine.

The link of this web page is the following: www.cindoc.csic.es/

JCR (Journal Citation Report)

Journal Citation Report is a useful database if you are interested in find some information about a journal or a group of journals.

The Journal Citation Reports (JCR) is an annual publication that makes the Institute of Scientific Information, a member of Thomson Scientific. Provides information about scientific journals in the field of applied and social sciences. Originally part of the Science Citation Index, and is currently made ​​from the data it contains.

Is closely related to the calculation of the impact factor of scientific publications, one of the main indicators in assessing the scientific activity in Europe and the USA.

You can acces to JCR through the web site of the Library of the UC3M, clicking on Universe-e and searching for JCR in the serch engine of Universe-e.